Welcome to the official Death and the Maiden webcomic site! I am so excited to finally launch this story, I have been working on it slowly and steadily since summer of 2019. Which is nuts because i didn't even HAVE to stay inside then, we didn't have COVID 19. But I did anyways, so that eventually I could deliver this very product to you. 

This website will update every Monday, and every other Friday (starting this Friday, 10/30/2020)! I will also be updating Webtoon on the same schedule - see the link on the home page for easy access! You can follow me on social media, at DATMcomic, on twitter, tumblr, or instagram, in order to get notifications when I post new pages. There are also links to those sites on the home page! 

As I begin to post, things may shift - in the way I use this website, in my color palettes - I am working out the kinks in creating and sharing a webcomic! Feel free to offer feedback and advice, based on comic writing and reading experiences you've had. 

Welcome!! And without further addendum, enjoy! 

One thought on “DEATH AND THE MAIDEN – 1

  1. I admire how you clarify complex ideas into easily understood pieces of information. Impressive work!

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