My brother used to call me lizard hands for my eczema lmao so it would make sense if lizards were part of the solution! if evita were making it for me at least. I’ll have to mail them some skin flakes next time I have a flare up
hahaha!! that’s perfect – I wish you’d been there to tell them. I’ve got dry elbows and my friend used to call them my elephant elbows… not sure if that means elephants would help at all
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5 thoughts on “Death and the Maiden – 128”
The peeled lemon looks so beautiful
Stephanie Brown
yesss thank you!!
My brother used to call me lizard hands for my eczema lmao so it would make sense if lizards were part of the solution! if evita were making it for me at least. I’ll have to mail them some skin flakes next time I have a flare up
Stephanie Brown
hahaha!! that’s perfect – I wish you’d been there to tell them. I’ve got dry elbows and my friend used to call them my elephant elbows… not sure if that means elephants would help at all
loving the ever-changing rats shirt so much
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