I knew all that time i spent practicing drawing dying tulips would pay off someday. 

3 thoughts on “DEATH AND THE MAIDEN – 4

  1. I mean, this whole thing is gorgeous, but this page made me outright gasp when I saw it on tumblr. The tumbling of the petals, the reversed hourglass, taking the life from them to give it to the girl… it’s stunning. I love how her face is hidden in the wide shot, too.

    1. Thank you so much!! This is one of the pages I’m most proud of 🙂 I did like four different drafts of the layout, and talked it through with multiple people, just trying to capture it properly! It’s great to hear that it had an impact!!

  2. Your website possesses has swiftly transformed into my go-to spot for inspiration. I cannot get enough!

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