The first name introduced in the comic... Evita! Evita has miscellaneous herbs in their pockets! This is almost always true.
I've realized I did not introduce the name of the first protagonist, the necromancer from pages 1-8. I wish I could say that was done on-purpose, to make her extra mysterious, and that her name is elegantly introduced to the reader in scene 3. But it is just not true! I just begin to pepper her name in carelessly as though the reader already knows her.
So i'll tell you now! Her name is Amors!
As a reminder, there will be no update this Friday - I am updating every Monday, and every other Friday! See you Monday 11/9!
7 thoughts on “DEATH AND THE MAIDEN – 10”
Jennie Miller
Mad in love with “Pocket parsley! Booyah!” as that feels like a Very Relatable Emotion to me, personally.
Stephanie Brown
Good taste thats the best panel in this whole comic! stop reading now i peaked at ‘pocket parsley! booyah!’
Pete Brown
Love the “BooYa!”
Stephanie Brown
thanks dad

POCKET PARSLEY!!!!!! obsessed w that panel
Stephanie Brown
GREAT taste haha it might be the best one in the whole comic
Check this out
Fantastically written article! I feel like a more informed individual already.